Social Media Marketing
A well-balanced social media strategy can grow your destination, hotel, customer base. Our experts will be happy to provide you with more information.
Are you already present on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ... and are you already actively trying to convey your message to current and potential customers / travellers to achieve your online goals? Or do you want to start with social media marketing but you don't know where to start? Either way, at Mali Media Group, our social media experts will help you develop, implement and manage your social media strategy.
Our team will create a tailor-made Social Media Marketing strategy for you, specifically designed for your destination, hotel, offer, ... and your audience. You get a full social marketing plan aimed at attracting new customers and / or travelers.
We create custom Facebook pages, increase your n°. of fans, write, post, engage and manage your ad campaigns, promotions, contests, landing pages.
We create custom Twitter pages, write, post, engage and manage your Twitter ad campaigns.
We maken aangepaste Twitter-pagina's, schrijven, posten en engageren en beheren uw Twitter-advertentiecampagnes, ...
We create custom Instagram pages, write, post, engage and manage your Instagram ad campaigns.
YouTube, LinkedIn, TripAdvisor, ...
We create campaigns for all social media channels. Our experts determine the objectives and targets with you. All this within the budget set by you.